17. Sep 2015

SEcube: new Blu5 platform being presented at TRUDEVICE 2015 workshop in Sain Malo

SEcube presented at TRUDEVICE 2015

Blu5 launches its latest platform development SEcube™ at TRUDEVICE 2015 workshop on secure hardware and security evaluations, through the publishing of the paper SEcubeTM: The most advanced, Open Source Security Platform in a Single Chip.

The paper, a joint work of Blu5 Labs, Politecnico di Torino, LIRMM (CNRS 7 University of Montpellier) and Lero (The Irish Software Research Center) introduces a new idea: the development of a powerful security-oriented open hardware and software platform easy to be integrated and capable of hiding all the complexity behind a simple and high-level set of APIs. This SoC platform is called SEcubeTM (Secure Environment cube).
