16. Mar 2022

Blu5 Group Book Prize in Data Analytics

Blu5 Group Book Prize in Data Analytics

The Blu5 Group Book Prize in Data Analytics is established at SIT, Singapore Institute of Technology, to encourage and recognise academic excellence among students pursuing the Bachelor of Science in Computing Science degree programme.

Blu5 takes pride in supporting quests to reduce surfaces of cyber attacks, while securing core operations in the domains of Critical Infrastructures, OT, IIoT, FinTech, BioMedical, Space & Defence, working in close collaborations with Academia and customers to deliver cyber resilience implementations to face evolving (and unknown) threats and challenges.

Photo taken 4th March 2022
From left: Mr. Paolo Rossini (Group CEO), Mr. Melvern Chia (COO) & Ms. Oh Qi Qi (SIT Book Prize Winner)
